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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

Please indicate your preferred publication format (PDF or Word) and give your file an intelligible name that indicates the name of the publishing organisation and a short title that will appear on the Media Releases page.

Toggle Title Date
pdf 240603 – ACU – Infant toddlers’ play and imagination sparked by adult involvement ( 143 KB )
pdf 240531 – Australian Cardijn Institute – ACI Webinar Rediscovering co-responsibility in mission, Fr Louis Cameli ( 287 KB )
pdf 240531 – ACAN – ACAN welcomes passage of anti slavery legislation release ( 165 KB )
pdf 240531 – Caritas Australia – Papua New Guinea: Food, clean water and clothing prioritised for 7,849 affected people ( 117 KB )
pdf 240531 – Mater – Jayne and Jackie celebrate 70 years of service at Mater ( 109 KB )
pdf 240530 – CSPA – New exciting family engagement resources for parents and school staff ( 170 KB )
pdf 240530 – ACRATH – Australians join global struggle against human trafficking ( 259 KB )
pdf 240529 – ACBC – Communicators to explore mission for the modern world ( 122 KB )
pdf 240528 – VMCH – New appeal helps people with disability to Work It! ( 107 KB )
pdf 240528 – Rockhampton Diocese – Bishop Michael McCarthy 10 Years of episcopal ministry ( 147 KB )
pdf 240527 – Caritas Australia – Caritas agencies on the ground assessing devastation in Papua New Guinea ( 115 KB )
pdf 240527 – Catholic Mission – Communion, Creativity, and Tenacity ( 247 KB )
pdf 240527 – Caritas Australia – Grassroots Action Palmerston and Caritas Australia echo ‘Now More Than Ever’ call this Reconciliation Week ( 154 KB )
pdf 20527 – ACBC – Reconciliation is an ongoing journey ( 184 KB )
pdf 240522 – UNDA – Computer Science students to change the world ( 138 KB )
pdf 240523 – Caritas Australia – Supplies reach northern Gaza as Caritas partners face evacuations in the south ( 121 KB )
pdf 240523 – ACBC – National survey shows Australia’s Catholics are online and multicultural ( 137 KB )
pdf 240521 – Broken Bay Catholic Schools – Students welcome healthy relationships presentation ( 134 KB )
pdf 240521 – ACHS – New President for the Australian Catholic Historical Society ( 74 KB )
pdf 240520 – Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT – Southern Cross Care NSW & ACT Launches Living Care Action Plan for People and Planet ( 123 KB )