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This page on the CathNews website is a service for Church organisations listed in the Directory of the Catholic Church in Australia.

Bishops or other official Church agencies who have a media release or statement, or would like to make a statement in reply to a news item, should send their media releases to CathNews by 6am for inclusion in that day’s edition.

For consideration for inclusion, please send your release or statement to the Editor-in-Chief of CathNews at [email protected].

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pdf 240802 – Darwin Diocese – Bishop Charles Gauci Responds to NT Voluntary Assisted Dying Report ( 184 KB )
pdf 240801 – Remptorists – Common HomeTv Podcast Questions for the Modern World ( 76 KB )
pdf 240802 – ACSL – The Dominican Sisters of Eastern Australia and Solomon Islands committed to safeguarding standards, review shows ( 214 KB )
pdf 240801 – Melbourne Archdiocese – Statement from Archbishop Peter A Comensoli on prayer in Parliament ( 116 KB )
pdf 240801 – Caritas Australia – The Church of Saint Porphyrius in Gaza City remains after missile fails to explode ( 119 KB )
pdf 240731 – ACBC and CHA – Help for those accompanying Catholics facing end of life decisions ( 173 KB )
pdf 240729 – ACU – Victoria’s homeless community to receive free tickets to ACU’s Big Sing for a Big Cause ( 166 KB )
pdf 240729 – CatholicCare Wollongong – CatholicCare Wollongong looks ahead with Purpose, Passion and Possibility ( 126 KB )
pdf 240729 – St Saviour's College Toowoomba – St Saviour’s Teachers Lead the Way with Harvard’s Visible Thinking ( 195 KB )
pdf 240725 – ACU – ACU videos to help teachers boost students’ mathematics outcomes ( 176 KB )
pdf 240725 – ACU – Less pain and more to gain for patients with metastatic breast cancer who exercise ( 180 KB )
pdf 240725 – Caritas Australia – Kirsty Robertson steps down as Caritas Australia CEO ( 119 KB )
pdf 240725 – VCEA – VCEA’s Commissioning Mass brings Catholic education together in celebration ( 147 KB )
pdf 240724 – Sisters of the Good Samaritan – Applications invited for Good Samaritan Study, Accompaniment and Mentoring Program for Catholic women ( 252 KB )
pdf 240723 – Caritas Australia – New partnerships to energise remote communities across the Pacific and Timor Leste ( 140 KB )
pdf 240723 – CEWA – CEWA calls on WA political parties to commit to providing state capital funding for Catholic schools ( 133 KB )
pdf 240723 – MacKillop Family Services – Up Heartbreak Hill to tackle foster carer shortage in NSW ( 211 KB )
pdf 240723 – VMCH – Health initiatives to improve the wellbeing of aged care residents ( 75 KB )
pdf 240722 – Caritas Australia – Caritas Southeast Asia unites in collective response to the cry of the earth ( 148 KB )
pdf 240722 – ACRATH – ACRATH supporters shine bright at Run Melbourne Charity Event ( 237 KB )